Newcastle College 2022 Ofsted Results
Ofsted, which is the acronym for Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, is an independent and impartial body that is tasked with inspecting and regulating services that are providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Our Ofsted Reports
Here you can find our 2022 Ofsted Report for Newcastle College, which rated us as 'Good' alongside all NCG colleges.
Ofsted works closely with schools and colleges in a bid to raise standards and implement improvements through focused inspection and regulation.
Highlights of the 2022 report include:
the good quality work experience and work placements we offer, especially as these had been seriously curtailed during the pandemic restrictions.
how well our college and our curriculum respond to the demands of employers and to the needs of learners and our local community.
the motivation of our learners to learn and to develop their skills and knowledge.
the information and support our learners receive in their tutorial programmes about how to stay physically healthy and mentally well.
our strong policy frameworks for quality, teaching, equality and diversity, and safeguarding.
the positive destinations of our young people, adult learners and learners with high needs.
the positive cultural shift of NCG and the shared goals of colleagues right across the country to provide high quality education to our learners.
the effective programmes and support we offer to enable growing numbers of refugees and asylum seekers to integrate more quickly into our local communities.
Access all reports via Ofsted.com