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Make numbers work for you


Maths is really important in life, especially right now! Having good math skills means better employment chances, higher wages and better wellbeing. It can make everyday life easier – whether you’re budgeting your household finances, understanding interest rates or financial information, or helping your child with their homework.

Over 500

Adults Choose Newcastle College

What is Multiply?

Multiply will offer free, flexible opportunities for you to improve your maths skills and gain a qualification.

The Multiply project is being funded by North East Combined Authority.

Who is it for?

Our free numeracy courses are for:

  • North of Tyne residents aged 19+

  • Individuals who have not achieved a maths GCSE of at least a Grade C or equivalent

  • Individuals who may want to develop numeracy skills for work or progression

  • Individuals who want to brush up and develop their numeracy skills for everyday life.

Around 17 million adults in England have low level of numeracy that can make life more difficult. If you are one of those 17 million, you’ll be able to get the support you need in the way you need it from the Multiply programme.

Meet our students

What can I study?

There are courses for beginners to more advanced courses such as GCSE Maths, Functional Skills Qualifications or equivalent, so you will be able to learn at a pace that suits you.

Enquire now

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Please confirm that you are aged 19 or over: *

Select as many as you would like to study

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