People in these occupations work to legislate and enforce law as well as provide protective services to the public as well as provide military support and intelligence.
There are a wide variety of roles within this sector, with a range of responsibilities. For example, legal professionals and solicitors advise and act on behalf of individuals, organisations, businesses and government departments in legal matters. While Fire Service Officers co-ordinate and participate in fire fighting activities, provide emergency services in the event of accidents or bomb alerts, and advise on fire prevention. Learn more below.
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Take a closer look at our Uniformed Public Services courses
What can I do with a qualification in Uniformed Public Services?
Daily tasks:
- Represents public and private organisations in court as necessary.
- Advises employers, local and national government and other organisations on aspects of law and legislative implications of decisions made.
- Drafts and negotiates contracts on behalf of employers.
- Provides legal advice to individuals within Citizens Advice, Law Centres and other such establishments.
- Co-ordinates the activities of magistrates courts and advises magistrates on law and legal procedure.
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Daily tasks:
- Assists in all aspects of property conveyancing and probate and common law practice.
- Attends court to assist barristers and solicitors in the presentation of a case.
- Interviews and advises clients, undertakes preparatory work for court cases.
- Collates information, drafts briefs and other documents.
- Runs chambers on behalf of principals, develops the practice, manages the flow of work, decides which cases to accept, arranges appropriate fees and prepares financial records.
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Daily tasks:
- Sorts and files correspondence and carries out general clerical work.
- Delivers and collects documents.
- Attends meetings and keeps records of proceedings.
- Answers enquiries and directs clients to appropriate experts.
- Maintains court and clients.
- Types letters and legal documents such as wills and contracts.
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Daily tasks:
- Represents clients in court.
- Scrutinises statements, reports and legal documents relevant to the case being undertaken and prepares papers for court.
- Instructs counsel in higher and lower courts and pleads cases in lower courts as appropriate.
- Undertakes legal business on behalf of client in areas of business law, criminal law, probate, conveyancing and litigation, and acts as trustee or executor if required.
- Draws up contracts, leases, wills and other legal documents.
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Daily tasks:
- Conducts trials according to rules of procedure, announces the verdict and passes sentence and/or awards costs and damages.
- Hears, reads and evaluates evidence, and instructs or advises the jury on points of law or procedure.
- Drafts pleadings and questions in preparation for court cases, appears in court to present evidence to the judge and jury, cross examines witnesses and sums up why the court should decide in their client.
- Advises client on the basis of legal knowledge, research and past precedent as to whether to proceed with legal action.
- Becomes acquainted with the facts of a case through reading statements, law reports, and consulting with clients or other professionals.
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Daily tasks:
- Directs and co-ordinates the operation of record keeping systems and the preparation of reports.
- Establishes contacts and sources of information concerning crimes planned or committed.
- Directs and monitors the work of subordinate officers.
- Plans, directs and co-ordinates general policing for an area or functional unit.
- Liaises with senior officers to determine staff, financial and other short- and long-term needs.
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Daily tasks:
- Gives evidence in court cases.
- Works on station reception desk and or in communications room.
- Prepares briefs or reports for senior officers.
- Attends accidents.
- Interviews suspects, takes statements from witnesses and stops, searches and/or arrests suspects.
- Investigates complaints, crimes, accidents, any suspicious activities or other incidents.
- Directs and controls traffic or crowds at demonstrations and large public events.
- Receives instructions from senior officers and patrols an assigned area on foot, horseback, motorcycle, motor car or boat to check security and enforce regulations.
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Daily tasks:
- May direct traffic and arrange for vehicles to be removed.
- May detain someone pending the arrival of a police officer.
- Provides crime prevention advice and helps to support victims of crime.
- Carries out house-to-house enquiries.
- Assists police officers at crime scenes and major events.
- Patrols a geographic area to monitor and deter criminal and anti-social activity and disorderly conduct.
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Daily tasks:
- Briefs other medical staff when handing over the patient, and completes patient report forms describing the patient.
- Transports and accompanies patients who either require or potentially require skilled treatment whilst travelling.
- Resuscitates and/or stabilises patient using relevant techniques, equipment and drugs.
- Assesses the nature of injuries, provides first aid treatment and ascertains appropriate method of conveying patient.
- Drives ambulance or accompanies driver to respond to calls for assistance at accidents, emergencies and other incidents.
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Daily tasks:
- Replenishes medical supplies in ambulance as necessary.
- Cleans and disinfects ambulance after use and carries out routine care of ambulance equipment.
- Ascertains nature of injuries and provides first aid treatment.
- Drives ambulance or accompanies driver to transport patients to hospitals or other treatment centres and homes.
- Helps patients into and out of ambulance.
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What can I do with a qualification in Uniformed Public Services?
Legal Professionals n.e.c.
Daily tasks:
- Represents public and private organisations in court as necessary.
- Advises employers, local and national government and other organisations on aspects of law and legislative implications of decisions made.
- Drafts and negotiates contracts on behalf of employers.
- Provides legal advice to individuals within Citizens Advice, Law Centres and other such establishments.
- Co-ordinates the activities of magistrates courts and advises magistrates on law and legal procedure.
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Legal Associate Professionals
Daily tasks:
- Assists in all aspects of property conveyancing and probate and common law practice.
- Attends court to assist barristers and solicitors in the presentation of a case.
- Interviews and advises clients, undertakes preparatory work for court cases.
- Collates information, drafts briefs and other documents.
- Runs chambers on behalf of principals, develops the practice, manages the flow of work, decides which cases to accept, arranges appropriate fees and prepares financial records.
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Legal Secretaries
Daily tasks:
- Sorts and files correspondence and carries out general clerical work.
- Delivers and collects documents.
- Attends meetings and keeps records of proceedings.
- Answers enquiries and directs clients to appropriate experts.
- Maintains court and clients.
- Types letters and legal documents such as wills and contracts.
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Daily tasks:
- Represents clients in court.
- Scrutinises statements, reports and legal documents relevant to the case being undertaken and prepares papers for court.
- Instructs counsel in higher and lower courts and pleads cases in lower courts as appropriate.
- Undertakes legal business on behalf of client in areas of business law, criminal law, probate, conveyancing and litigation, and acts as trustee or executor if required.
- Draws up contracts, leases, wills and other legal documents.
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Barristers and Judges
Daily tasks:
- Conducts trials according to rules of procedure, announces the verdict and passes sentence and/or awards costs and damages.
- Hears, reads and evaluates evidence, and instructs or advises the jury on points of law or procedure.
- Drafts pleadings and questions in preparation for court cases, appears in court to present evidence to the judge and jury, cross examines witnesses and sums up why the court should decide in their client.
- Advises client on the basis of legal knowledge, research and past precedent as to whether to proceed with legal action.
- Becomes acquainted with the facts of a case through reading statements, law reports, and consulting with clients or other professionals.
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Senior Police Officers
Daily tasks:
- Directs and co-ordinates the operation of record keeping systems and the preparation of reports.
- Establishes contacts and sources of information concerning crimes planned or committed.
- Directs and monitors the work of subordinate officers.
- Plans, directs and co-ordinates general policing for an area or functional unit.
- Liaises with senior officers to determine staff, financial and other short- and long-term needs.
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Police Officers (Sergeant and Below)
Daily tasks:
- Gives evidence in court cases.
- Works on station reception desk and or in communications room.
- Prepares briefs or reports for senior officers.
- Attends accidents.
- Interviews suspects, takes statements from witnesses and stops, searches and/or arrests suspects.
- Investigates complaints, crimes, accidents, any suspicious activities or other incidents.
- Directs and controls traffic or crowds at demonstrations and large public events.
- Receives instructions from senior officers and patrols an assigned area on foot, horseback, motorcycle, motor car or boat to check security and enforce regulations.
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Police Community Support Officers
Daily tasks:
- May direct traffic and arrange for vehicles to be removed.
- May detain someone pending the arrival of a police officer.
- Provides crime prevention advice and helps to support victims of crime.
- Carries out house-to-house enquiries.
- Assists police officers at crime scenes and major events.
- Patrols a geographic area to monitor and deter criminal and anti-social activity and disorderly conduct.
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Daily tasks:
- Briefs other medical staff when handing over the patient, and completes patient report forms describing the patient.
- Transports and accompanies patients who either require or potentially require skilled treatment whilst travelling.
- Resuscitates and/or stabilises patient using relevant techniques, equipment and drugs.
- Assesses the nature of injuries, provides first aid treatment and ascertains appropriate method of conveying patient.
- Drives ambulance or accompanies driver to respond to calls for assistance at accidents, emergencies and other incidents.
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Ambulance Staff (Excluding Paramedics)
Daily tasks:
- Replenishes medical supplies in ambulance as necessary.
- Cleans and disinfects ambulance after use and carries out routine care of ambulance equipment.
- Ascertains nature of injuries and provides first aid treatment.
- Drives ambulance or accompanies driver to transport patients to hospitals or other treatment centres and homes.
- Helps patients into and out of ambulance.
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Policing, Law and Protective Services at Newcastle College

Meet the Students & Tutors

David Lee
FdA Police and Criminal Justice"I decided the career that I wanted to pursue was in policing. After researching the requirements, I found that a degree was necessary. The modules in this course really stood out to me as I felt they were relevant and interesting."