Trade Union Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety- Level 2
Start Date: Various

- Length 6 hours per week for 36 weeks
- Study Part-Time
- Location Teaching Development Centre
- Price Cat A: Free, Cat B: £299, Cat C: £450 Course Cost Categories
Qualification Gained
NOCN Level 2 Diploma for Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives - OHS
More about the course
If you're an experienced trade union health and safety representative looking to develop your knowledge and experience of occupational health and safety, this is the course for you.
Covering topics such as Health and Safety Law, Health, safety, welfare and the environment, and Trade Unions organising around health and safety, this course will help you become more effective as a workplace representative.
Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to access union health and safety posts or move onto Higher Education opportunities.