We work closely with employers who support our vision and commitment. We are committed to developing long-term, high-quality, mutual relationships that shape the development of the curriculum we offer, add value to learning and ensure students meet their full potential through work placements, live projects and guest speaker events.
In return, we're here to support employers to meet their skills needs. We can help if you want to invest in and upskill your workforce, hire an apprentice or need support delivering a specific project with the help of our talented students.
How you can work with us
Contact The Team
Complete the form to contact our Business Team or call 0191 2004781 and select the option for employers.
Together We Changed
The Together We Changed initiative was founded in January 2021 to explore how we can improve our courses, provision, and employer engagement.
We collaborated with employers to find out how we could improve our services. Based on our findings, we agreed:
To make contact with an agreed number of employers each month to gather feedback and record results centrally
To introduce employer advisory boards so they can be part of curriculum planning
To work alongside industry partners on-campus, at themed evenings, on live projects and for other events intended to gain positive feedback which will be examined on a monthly basis