College or Sixth Form. What's the difference?
As you approach the end of year 11, it's likely that you're already starting to think about your future, and the pathway you want to take when you leave school. Not sure which is best for you? Read our handy guide.
Finding the right option to suit you!
Whether you want to continue on to sixth form or college, or are more interested in getting straight into work through an apprenticeship, its handy to learn about all of your options to ensure you're selecting the perfect option to suit you.
In this guide, we take a quick look at what makes Newcastle College different, and how our vocational style of study could help take you further.
Assessment and study
Newcastle College focuses on delivering a wide variety of vocational, hands-on courses. You'll learn through 'doing' and will be assessed in class, on your project work - rather than through exams. Courses are offered at different levels, so if you didn't get the grades you were hoping for at GCSE, we'll support you in progressing on to the next level.
One specialist subject
At Newcastle College you will typically focus on one subject in the form of a BTEC, as opposed to A levels where you may choose to study a variety of three or four. This will mean you get a very focused education in one specialist area, which is perfect if you know what you want to do in work or at university.
Tutors with experience
You’ll be taught by tutors that have extensive industry experience in the subject you study. Our facilities replicate a real working environment so you'll get the skills that really matter.
Live projects with industry
Due to our extensive links with employers through our experienced tutors, you’ll be able to work on projects set by industry. This is a fantastic opportunity to practice the
skills you’ve been taught, enhance your CV and impress employers.
Work experience
Many of our courses give you the opportunity to gain work experience through placements with employers, which is a great way to get an understanding of your chosen industry!
Independent learning
Your college timetable may give you some free time which you can use for social activities or study and there’s also no uniform.
Guest speakers
Whilst studying with us you’ll attend guest lectures from employers so you can get a taste of life in the working world. These employers may also offer work experience opportunities, a great way to get noticed!
Trips and Visits
Students on our courses benefit from an extensive range of trips and visits both home and abroad. Recent trips have included New York and Paris; as well as more trips closer to home in London and Edinburgh.