Chase Maughan
Level 3 Renewable and Subsea Engineering

Chase Maughan
When you study at college you get a lot more freedom as well as responsibility. Its more similar to real-life, because you aren’t going to have someone stood beside you telling you what you have to do. College really does prepare you for your future.
Tell us a bit about yourself, your background etc?
I’m from Gateshead and originally, I wasn’t the biggest fan on Engineering until I hit my secondary school, in which it was a toss up between Coding and Engineering. I wasn’t very good at coding, so I decided to study Engineering.
How did you hear about Newcastle College? Did you attend an Open Day prior to starting at the College? If so, did you find it useful?
I’ve lived near all my life, and its really hard to miss the big Newcastle College building too! Some of the members of staff came to my primary school and they spoke about the different courses available which was a huge help. I went to several different Open Event’s for different colleges too and out of them all, I thought Newcastle College was the best. There was mechanical, which was a close tie, but I thought Renewable and Subsea Engineering was better because it seemed more future-proof and not so stuck in the past, and the sector was already growing.
Before hearing about this course from yourselves, I had no idea it even existed before that. I was able to speak to all the lecturers and get a really good idea of the course and what I was going to study. All of the lecturers seemed friendly too.
What made you decide to come to the college and enrol on the course you selected?
The interest I had initially about the course, if I had no interest, I don’t think I’d still be studying it. Probably the people too – they’re second to none, fun, energetic and they really do preach what they say. We’ve got some of the best lecturers on the entire campus.
Do you have any tutors who have industry experience? If so, how has this helped you?
Most lecturers are industry-experienced in some form of another, especially Diane. The way it helps mostly is they can actually give you examples. Obviously, anyone can just open a book and say, ‘read from it’, but the lecturers can give you general advice from when they’ve worked in industry or give you areas of expertise you might not have known about. For example, Ben, who has so much general experience. It’s something that Sixth Form doesn’t really have.
Did you look into financial support available from the college? If so what were they and how did they help?
I spoke to Student Support about getting a travel bursary, but I live slightly too close (about 100 meters) so unfortunately, I was unsuccessful. Fortunately, the campus is close to a Metro stop which is very convenient.
I come from a single-parent household, so I'm looking into getting a bursary for that as well.
Have you overcome any challenges while on your course? If so how has the college helped you?
Probably the hardest part is motivation to work. The college work is hard but if you pay attention, it's going to be significantly easier. We have mostly assignment-based work and there is a lot of it, but the support I get on my course helps me to overcome any problems I have with my studies.
What do you/did you enjoy most about your course?
The people for sure – they make the course so interesting! That’s both the other students and the lecturers too.
How do you feel that the course has/is benefitting you?
It is helping me get to university and giving me the grades I need. Also, its teaching me things that I just didn’t have a clue about before. My course has allowed me to be a bit more general with my education because we cover so much on the course for example, electronics and mechanical - it's allowing me to build my skills in time management as well as critical thinking.
Have you done any work experience or a work placement as part of your course?
I have done work experience at a place called RFS where we did practical climbing, we repelled going to simulate going up and down turbines which was really interesting. We are encouraged to go and find our own work placement but its quite a small industry so its very hard, especially with my age.
What would you like to do when you finish your course? Would you consider studying a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
I am going to Northumbria University; I don’t think I have the ability to jump straight to full-time employment at the moment. I’m looking to go to uni, do a sandwich year so I can get some experience and then maybe find a Level 6 apprenticeship.
What are your ambitions for the future?
I want to become a chartered engineer. Initially I did just want to become a mechanical engineer, but as I’ve learned more about the field, I do want to do more. In the future I’d love to work with the European Space Agency or the UK Space Agency, because who doesn’t love space? I did want to work with the new nuclear reactor that’s getting built in the North-East by Rolls Royce, maybe in the control room or something.
What would you say to anyone thinking of studying a course with Newcastle College?
When you study at college you get a lot more freedom as well as responsibility. Its more similar to real-life, because you aren’t going to have someone stood beside you telling you what you have to do. College really does prepare you for your future.
Top tips
Make friends, they can help support you through your course and they can help if you’re ever stuck
Get used to working on a computer
Just be canny – no one likes a bully
Make a good impression on your lecturers
Be patient with your work!