Kiranjeet Kaur
MA Business Administration

Kiranjeet Kaur
Studying at Newcastle College University Centre is a fantastic option for international students. The University Centre has a great reputation, brilliant connections with industry and staff with lots of experience who are really dedicated to making sure you get the most out of your time here. On top of that, the opportunity to learn about a different culture, meet new people and try new experiences will make you grow as a person, which will only help you to get more out of life as you work towards your future.
Could you tell us a bit about yourself, your background or why you chose to study at Newcastle College University Centre?
I am a 25-year-old student from Pubjab, India, aiming to become a successful businessperson. My hobbies include reading motivational books, writing poetry and listening to music. In 2022, I completed an Honours Degree in Business Communications while still in my home country, but I decided to study my Masters Degree at Newcastle College University Centre because of its impressive Business faculty, 93% student satisfaction rate and the fact it offered reasonable course fees. The staff at Newcastle College University Centre have all been so friendly and helpful – they’re always available to guide their students in whatever way they need! Honestly, I could write pages and pages of praise for Newcastle College University Centre, but I’ll contain myself.
What was it about your course that made you want to study a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
I studied a BCom in Business during my undergraduate studies in India, but I knew I wanted to study a Masters Degree in Business Management at some point. I eventually decided to study at Newcastle College University Centre because I knew I would gain a broad understanding of business organisations, as well as more specific knowledge of markets, customers, finance and business strategy. Moreover, not only will this course benefit my academic work, but it will also teach me the duties of a modern corporation, as well as theoretical and practical business principles so I will gain the skills, knowledge and experience to launch my own business in the future.
What benefits do you think there are in studying at Newcastle College University Centre?
As an international student, I consider Newcastle College University Centre to be a really effective institution for every student! There are lots of benefits to being a student here, including well-trained lecturers with lots of industry experience; career planning support, such as CV building classes and employability workshops; and a fully-stocked library, open six days per week with a wide range of books, journals, newspapers and digital resources we can use to complete our assignments. For me though, the most appealing part of Newcastle College University Centre is that they treat every student equally, no matter where they come from – I’ve never felt like I’m studying at an international centre, I’ve always enjoyed learning on the main campus.
What has your experience of studying a degree at Newcastle College University Centre as an international student been like?
Overall, my experience of studying at Newcastle College University Centre as an international student has been brilliant. I’m always learning new skills here, and I’ve developed much more professional communication skills thanks to studying at Newcastle College University Centre. My confidence levels have also risen a lot because of the opportunity to study alongside people from so many different communities all over the world, which has helped me to boost my communication skills. I’ve really enjoyed studying every module of my course – I never miss a class and I love the way my lecturer teaches us about new business ideas and techniques. The recreational facilities on campus for degree students are also great: the HE HUB is beautiful and has a fully-functioning kitchen so I can have lunch and enjoy quality time there with friends and classmates during my breaks, not to mention the other great places to get food or drink around campus!
What was the application process for Newcastle College University Centre like, in your experience?
As a whole, the application process wasn’t too tough – I applied independently and found it quite an easy experience, and I could provide any documentation needed as digital PDF files so there weren’t any mailing costs.
How did the International Office help you with your application to study at Newcastle College University Centre, and what support have you received whilst being a student?
The International Office helped me so much throughout my application process. If I ever had a question, they usually replied by email on the same day, which helped me not to worry too much about my application. When I was asked for an interview, they scheduled my interview date around my availability, which was really helpful! In addition, once the International Team had examined all my documents and confirmed my grades, the University Centre provided me with a £2000 scholarship towards my studies, which has been a big help to me so far. All the International Team are amazing and go out of their way to be helpful, I honestly couldn’t ask for better support.
Tell us about how you have worked with industry whilst studying your degree (i.e. talks, live briefs, projects, etc.).
To be honest, I was so nervous to start my Masters Degree that I wasn’t sure how I could manage being a full-time student and working with businesses in industry, but my actual experience here has been much better than I was initially worried about! I’ve met many different businesspeople through my degree and had some great opportunities to network with them. Even when I was nervous about my assignments, my lecturer directed me towards the HE Academic Support Team for additional support or to discuss my problems, such as using Harvard refencing. I’ve also been able to use high-level industry research and reports in my projects and assessments, which will benefit my industry knowledge moving forward.
How do you think learning from industry-experienced tutors has benefitted you?
It’s definitely been beneficial because I’ve learnt plenty of new skills and gained new insights from their experience. My lecturers always try to give us detailed information for each of our modules, but it’s very useful seeing how they link the business theory they teach us to their own practical experience for real-world examples. They also provide us with up-to-date knowledge about the current business sector so we can get more information that will help us in our careers. My Masters Degree covers a range of areas that are crucial in the business sector, such as finance, marketing management, marketing strategy, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility, all of which are fascinating area that have given me a great foundational knowledge about the business field that I can use during the next steps in my career.
What has been your biggest challenge either before or whilst studying for your degree?
Honestly, my biggest challenge has been adapting to living and learning in a foreign country, even though it’s what I want to do. I was so nervous about starting at Newcastle College University Centre – after all, I was going to a new country full of new people, many of whom have a different language to me and have a very different way of living than I do back in India. I wasn’t sure how I could interact with my peers or how well I could adapt to living in England, even though I was excited to come start a new life doing my dream degree, because I was upset to be leaving my family back home.
Once I started the course, my main challenges were cultural differences, homesickness, getting use to using a different language all the time and some more challenging aspects of my course. Firstly, the culture in England is totally different from India so it took some time to adapt. Secondly, my homesickness has been pretty constant, since I miss my parents and siblings back home. The language barrier hasn’t been a big issue since I speak good English, but sometimes people struggle to understand my accent (though I can manage that). Most importantly, the degree structure is very different on my Masters Degree here compared to my Honours Degree in India, since here my lecturers use practical, online systems for teaching, which I wasn’t used to. On my first day at Newcastle College University Centre, I didn’t understand anything about my modules, but thankfully my lecturer suggested I speak to the International Team for additional support. Thanks to their support, I slowly overcame my main obstacles, and now everything is much easier and I’m enjoying my time studying here!
What inspires you?
I’m inspired by a wide range of sources, including art, nature, people, world events and people who are important to me, such as my family or my tutors, not to mention my own personal experiences. Inspiration often leads to innovative ideas, or new solutions to existing industry problems – it’s why I listen to a lot of motivational speeches, as the insights they can provide are a major source of inspiration to me. On a more level though, I’m inspired by the faith and support of my mother and my husband in my studies, my career and my dreams, since they both encourage me to face new challenges in my life.
What has been the highlight of your time studying at Newcastle College University Centre?
The most enjoyable time I’ve had whilst studying at Newcastle College University Centre was during my induction period when I first met my tutors, the International Team and the people on my course, who’ve become good friends to me now. Everyone at the University Centre has been helpful and supportive to me in so many different ways. I also enjoyed the festive atmosphere around campus during the approach to Christmas, since there were lots of colourful new decorations in the Piazza and in the HE HUB, and the modules I studied before Christmas and New Year were my favourite on the course so far.
What have you enjoyed most about living in the UK?
I have experienced the true meaning of freedom here. The culture in the UK is so different to back home – the weather in particular is so pleasant, there is free healthcare and education for everyone, the transport networks are very convenient, and the landscapes here are so beautiful (especially the beaches, I really enjoy them)! It’s also been fun to see the famous sites of sports and literature that the UK is famous for around the world.
How do you feel that your degree at Newcastle College University Centre has prepared you for the future?
I feel amazing about my degree! Coming to study at Newcastle College University Centre has been the best decision I’ve ever made, since studying modules across a range of business, finance and marketing disciplines have given me the essential knowledge, skills and experience I need to prepare for my future in business.
What are your plans after you graduate?
After completing my Masters Degree with Newcastle College University Centre, I will return to India to get a job because my degree will be most valuable in my own country, I think. There are many multinational companies back home, so working there will be fruitful for me since I’ll be closer to my family but still have a high-paying job and good status, such as in HR, marketing or accountancy for a large company. In the long term, after getting experience in the business field, I plan to start my own business, which my (by then) many experiences in industry across two continents will help me to become a successful businessperson.
What would you say to any other international students considering studying a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
Studying at Newcastle College University Centre is a fantastic option for international students. The University Centre has a great reputation, brilliant connections with industry and staff with lots of experience who are really dedicated to making sure you get the most out of your time here. On top of that, the opportunity to learn about a different culture, meet new people and try new experiences will make you grow as a person, which will only help you to get more out of life as you work towards your future.
Describe your student experience at Newcastle College University Centre in three words.
Amazing, adventurous, astonishing.
What are your top five tips for other international students considering studying a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
1. Practice your language.
2. Arrange your student visa and all documents and keep them with you when you travel to England.
3. Immerse yourself in UK culture.
4. Be confident about your decision.
5. Sort out your accommodation before arriving in Newcastle – the International Team will help if you’re struggling.
6. Thoroughly research the city, culture, language and people of England, and particularly Newcastle, before you arrive.