Ben Miller
Ben Miller | Level 5 BSc (Hons) Professional Policing

Ben Miller
Ben is a BSc (Hons) Professional Policing student currently studying his Level 5 qualification at Newcastle College University Centre. Find out more about his passion for policing and his University experience
Could you tell us a bit about yourself, your background, or anything you think is relevant?
I’m studying my Professional Policing degree at the University Centre and I also went to college here and studied Policing. Outside of the University Centre, I'm part of the Northumbria Police Cadets, too so I'm totally all up for the police sort of thing! Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be in the police.
This year, I’ve joined the Specials and I’ve just finished my training for that on Saturday and I got my first shift on Sunday, which is all a bit real. I’m so excited!
Why did you choose to study a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
So, I went to college here and I Stepped Up to a degree. It was perfect for me because I know if you go to a bigger university, there's more like 400 students to one lecturer. The teacher-student ratio like that would not work for me. At the minute, we have about 10 students in the class so it's really small. I like how there is one-to-one the support here and how you have that close relationship with your lecturers.
What was it about this course that made you want to study a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
It's like the practical element of it. The lecturers have their own experience in the field which is really great too. It feels like, oh, this is actually real, that sort of gives you that experience and confidence in what you're being taught.
We've got the Simulation Room too, so it's not just learning from a whiteboard sort of thing. It’s a room where it's got like a mock flat in it. You'll come in and there's a bedroom and a kitchen. Your lecturers will put on scenarios where you've got go and deal with them, like a real crime scene. So, it's like you’re actually there!
We've been having trips to Safety Works too. It's what the police use for training -it's really, really good. There are loads more simulation rooms there like a metro station, shops and houses too.
What do you enjoy the most about your degree?
Everything. Just everything.
What inspires you?
I've got family members in the police and they've inspired me to join and take that role. My uncle does the training for the Specials, so he trains me now!
Tell us about how you have worked with industry whilst studying your degree (i.e. talks / live briefs / projects).
Yes, so funny enough -there's someone coming in on Thursday from the probation and prison service. They'll come in and have a talk with us and explain what they do, as well as doing a bit of headhunting with the students. It means that if you go for that role later down the line, they'll recognise you. It’s a great networking experience.
Have you overcome any challenges either before or whilst studying for your degree?
At the start of the course, I struggled with time management for my assignments and things like that. I just spoke to one of my lecturers and he took me through step by step and broke it down with me. We worked out how you can actually get them done and when it's best to do them. And so that really helps.
What’s Newcastle like as a student city, in your experience?
It's great. The nightlife for students is spot on. There’s always something going on.
In what ways do you think your degree at Newcastle College University Centre has prepared you for employment?
The whole course leads you to joining the police, in literally every way possible. The way they teach us is very upper management in the police, which is on purpose, so you get used to things like that. The course's environment is literally made to help you move on after your degree.
What are your plans after you graduate?
I'd like to say I've joined the Specials, which is a volunteer role for the police. I start my first shift on Sunday.
Once I've finished my University Centre course, I'll then apply for the Regulars, so that's where I actually get paid for doing the same thing. I think for the first five years I'll be a ‘bobby on the beat’ and hopefully work my way up the ranks. The dream would be going into Firearms.
Describe your student experience in three words.
Focused. Supportive. Personable
What are your top tips for studying at Newcastle College?
- Have a look at the courses because there's so many that focus on specific topics.
- Go to the higher education events.
- DO IT!