Michael Mati
Level 4 Aircraft Maintenance Engineering

Michael Mati
Michael is a BSc (Hons) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering student currently studying his Level 4 qualification at Newcastle College University Centre. Find out more about his experience as a International Aviation degree student.
Why did you choose to study a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
I've always loved Aviation and wanted to work in the industry. Back in Nigeria, I have a degree in Applied Physics, which is really helpful when it comes to this course. When I finished my degree in Nigeria, I decided to pursue it further and specialise in aircraft maintenance.
The structure of the Academy is better than the other options. I was looking at going to an institute in Dubai but Newcastle College University Centre offered the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) license and a degree, so it’s two in one. There’s not a lot of places offering both.
What are the facilities like at the University Centre for your course?
They’re great. It's as close to actually working in industry. I’ve done internship at a flying school back in Nigeria, so the facilities make me feel more connected to the aircraft. It’s not just learning theories but getting more hands-on experience for this degree. We have the Premier 390 and the Jet Stream that we do most of our practical work on.
I’ve heard testimonies from Level 6 students who have been for interviews, and they are confident to speak about their education as they’ve already done practical work similar to what they would be doing in industry.
What do you enjoy the most about your degree?
The practical work. The other day we were riveting a piece together. I was working on it for 5-6 weeks and right at the end I messed it up, so I had to redo it. This time it only took me 2 weeks, so I learned from that experience. I like to do practical stuff.
What inspires you?
For me, it’s about being able to add value. Everyone from the aircraft operators to the baggage handlers adds value to an aviation company’s success. Being part of a great company and feeling fulfilled is really why I'm in it.
Tell us about how you have worked with industry whilst studying your degree (i.e. talks / live briefs / projects).
So far, we’ve had talks with Eshott Airfield. They came to offer us two internships for Level 4 students. The opportunity sounds great. The successful applicates will go to their base one day a week in Northumberland for training and more often during the holidays. After their degree, they may have the opportunity to be employed under a graduate scheme.
How do you think learning from industry-experienced tutors and staff has benefitted you?
I think it's been great. They’re a big asset to the Aviation Academy. They know a lot based on their experience. They’re nice, they're like friends.
Have you overcome any challenges either before or whilst studying for your degree?
Where I come from the system was very different to the UK higher education system. In the UK, there's lots of writing involved. I’ve not had any experience with citations or referencing or even essay writing. I feel like I've really improved over the year. In a recent exam, I got 76% which was amazing as I didn’t know how to write essays before coming here. I’m very proud of myself!
What kinds of support have you received during your studies?
I received great support from the international team when I first got to the UK. They helped me open a bank account and I still speak to them whenever I need help.
In what ways do you think your degree at Newcastle College University Centre has prepared you for employment?
We’re exposed to practical work which is very closely related to industry like using tools and working on aircraft.
In most interviews, they’ll ask you to do a practical task, for example, wire locking. Our tutor has made us do this often, so we are prepared for the interviews. He also tests us to know which tool is which. It seems small but will be very useful in the long run.
What are your plans after you graduate?
I’d love to complete my CAA license. I’ll need to get a placement or job and work for another two years before I qualify for that.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking about studying a degree at Newcastle College University Centre?
This is the best place to be. The modules are structured efficiently so you can get the most out of your time here.
Describe your student experience in three words.
In the beginning it was 'challenging’ having to adapt to a new country and way of life.
The next would be ‘educational’. I don't mean in the way of exams but just knowing about the aircraft and systems. I’ve learnt so much since studying here.
Finally, I’d say ‘interesting’. At the weekend, I miss it. I just can't wait for Monday so I can get back here.
What is your top tip for studying at Newcastle College University Centre Aviation Academy?
Start reading early – there's a lot of modules so preparation is key!