Additional Support
Some students who meet certain criteria, as verified when they apply for one or more elements of the government's student finance package (Tuition Fee Loan, Maintenance Loan and Maintenance Grant), may receive an additional £600 which will be assessed annually.
If you are commencing a full time, undergraduate, Higher Education course at Newcastle College University Centre in 2024/25 and paying the full £9,250 per year fee, you may be eligible for a Newcastle College University Centre bursary.
Learners are not eligible for a bursary where a third party is paying the fee or the learners are studying: a PGCE, a Part-time, a Level 7, a Masters or receiving a Scholarship or an Apprenticeship.
How to apply
Step 1: Make sure you are fully enrolled onto your course - i.e. you have signed your learning agreement and have been given a lanyard and student ID card
Step 2: Register for a portal account using your College student ID number and correct date of birth. Newcastle Group Online Student Portal (paymystudent.com)
Step 3: Activate your account by clicking on the activation link sent to your email address.
Step 4: Log in to your portal account, and complete the application that is relevant to your year of study.
PayMyStudent PortalAwards
Awards are based on the level of course that you are enrolled on.