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We are delighted to announce Newcastle College University Centre Scholarships for 2024/25. The scholarships award up to £9,250 in fee waivers over the duration of two years for a Foundation Degree and three years for an undergraduate Honours Degree. Top-Up Degrees and Certificates of Higher Education are also considered for a one year scholarship for those who meet the criteria.

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What are the scholarships?

Our scholarships provide opportunity for those least likely to study a degree or have the chance to do so and have never studied at degree level before. This criteria is based on socio-economic research.

This is based on our widening access data and UK-wide research. As such, we offer a wide range of scholarships with targeted support for those identified as the least likely to study a degree.

  • Students from low household income or low socioeconomic status (Quintile 1)

  • Black, Asian and minority ethnic students

  • Disabled students

  • Woman in STEM

  • Care leavers

  • Young carers*

  • People estranged from their families

  • People from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

  • Refugees

  • Asylum seeker**

  • Students from military families***


* 'young people aged 14-25 who care, unpaid, for a friend or family member who could not cope without their support’

** NCUC offers the following financial awards each year: Three scholarships for asylum seekers OR those granted discretionary/limited leave to remain following an application for asylum, comprising a full tuition fee waiver

*** 'a person whose parent or carer serves in the Regular Armed Forces, or as a Reservist, or has done at any point during the first 25 years of that person’s life’.

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The Rachelle Waugh, Lisa Robson and Nicky Turnbull Scholarships

Newcastle College University Centre will award three scholarships in the form of full fee waivers. These scholarships are in memory of three staff members, Rachelle Waugh, Lisa Robson and Nicky Turnbull. These scholarships were first awarded in 2022/23.

Lisa, Rachelle and Nicky were colleagues who made a real difference to the lives of their students through their inspirational teaching and student support. The Rachelle Waugh, Lisa Robson and Nicky Turnbull Scholarships will ensure that, in their memories, Lisa, Rachelle and Nicky will continue to make a transformative difference to our students. These scholarships will be awarded to those students who have already made an application for scholarships in 24/25.

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How do our scholarships work?

Scholarships are available for two years for a Foundation Degree and three years for an undergraduate Honours Degree. (Top-Up) Degrees and Certificates of Higher Education are also considered for a one year scholarship.

All students who would like to be considered for a scholarship must complete and submit the online application form at the bottom of this page, including a supporting statement. Scholarships are competitive, with a limited number of awards available which will go to the applicants who most closely fulfil the assessment criteria.

Apply for a scholarship

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date of Birth: *
Address: *
Email Address: *
Mobile Number: *
Student ID (if known):
Course you are studying: *
Please type the name of the course you are studying
Can you confirm this is your first time studying at degree level:
Please state why you think you may be eligible for a scholarship: *
(Minimum 250 words, maximum 500 words). Please refer to our FAQs for guidance on completing this statement.
Upload File:

Please upload any additional content or evidence to support your application.

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