Based in the centre of Rye Hill Campus, the Library houses all of the resources and support materials you'll need to complete your projects and assignments.
Here, you'll find over 40,000 physical resources available to borrow on every subject from Automotive to Sport. Also available to borrow from the Library are a number of laptops. The Library offers a range of online resources and databases to students including eBooks, online journals and learning platforms, available through the Library catalogue and the Summon search tool.
Common Questions
Below are some of the most common questions we're asked:

Inside the Library, our dedicated Librarians are on hand to offer help with research and study skills. They can support you with everything from using the Library catalogue and finding online resources, to avoiding plagiarism and referencing your assignments correctly.
To offer you as much support as possible, the Library also hosts a growing range of electronic resources and materials, available online in our e-Library.

Learning Spaces
We have two dedicated learning spaces on campus open to all students located in Parsons Building and Trevelyan Building. Each space has IT access, places for independent study and scanning and printing facilities.